Editor FW24 - Woman Lookbook Ramael FW 24 - Lookbook Virginia Stablum X Pennyblack SS24 - La Dolce Vita Virinia Stablum X Pennyblack SP24 - Mademoiselle Cool Colazio Campaign Vlada - Pennyblack FW23 Mavie Labo SS23 Daniela - Pennyblack SS23 Behind the crops - SS23 Ventidue SS22 - Lookbook Ramael FW22 Ramael FW22 - Lookbook Peserico FW22 - Light Aria - Pennyblack FW22 Pennyblack SS22 - Suitable Dresses Peserico SP22 - Breeze Peserico SS22 - Man Lookbook Max Mara SS22 - Bridal Collection La Tete en Lair FW21 Verrà un giorno Exporting the loop Sep-T Shirt Paradise Vice